
Hi, I’m Michelle.  I’m first and foremost just Michelle, a girl born and raised in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA.  After that, I’m a happy and like to have a good time kinda’ girl.  I love horses, have a degree in Electrical Engineering, worked for Lockheed Martin, have had many business online, I’m a mom, I’ve lived in; Pittsburgh, a few places in Philadelphia, had a horse farm in the Colorado Rocky Mountains at around 8,500 ft., Maryland, Boulder Colorado, then on to Utila a Bay Islands of Honduras and Guatemala.  Now, I’m once again living in a suburb of Pittsburgh.  So, about this Chess thing…

My daughter has been interested in chess for years.  At the end of October 2016 (current year as I write this) I decided to play chess.  To make this short story even shorter (it’s only December 11, 2016)… I’m addicted to Chess.  I’m sure many get addicted in a short amount of time but my addiction is a result of studying the teachings of Grandmaster Igor Smirnov.  My daughter found his courses many years ago and sang his praises.  I now sing the same song.  His teachings and principles are solid and work in a very short amount of time.  I’m using this site to document my progress and in turn hope that it helps other with theirs.

If you have time, let me know you stopped by.

Happy Chessing,
